Income Enhancer Low Risk Long / Short PMS


Higher returns than other liquid investment alternatives with low risk.

Experienced Team

Team has several decades of combined investment and advisory experience.


Market neutral long short equity strategy.


Long experience of managing global long short equity portfolios.


Profusion Capital

Profusion Investment advisors is a Portfolio Manager with several decades of collective Investment Management and advisory experience.  The team specialises in long short market neutral strategies and special situations strategies that have delivered consistent returns under all market conditions with low drawdowns.

The Profusion PMS proposition is unique in the Indian PMS arena with a strong focus on capital preservation and generating significant risk adjusted returns for discerning customers who appreciate our rigorous approach to managing risk in a dynamic market scenario. We seek to steadily compound our investors’ assets while controlling drawdowns within low single digit levels and aim to deliver positive returns well above those available from liquid investments across all rolling 12-month periods regardless of market conditions.